Our minds – how we regulate the flow of energy and information – can actually improve our brains.
This course is based on rigorous science and will help you become more effective on a daily basis. You can build your mental resilience to cope with workplace pressures. You will be able to enhance your leadership skills, welcome challenges, and enjoy your increased effectiveness.
The strategies in this workshop will help you protect yourself from burnout and enjoy using your powerful mind.
Program Content:
● Get crystal clear about your priorities
● Concentrate completely and resist distractions
● Understand your memory and work with it more effectively
● Convert stress into challenge and opportunity
● Take a more rational approach to multi-tasking
● Know what causes brain aging and how to slow that process
● Listen actively, reduce conflict, and improve relationships
● Develop better habits – neurons that fire together, wire together
Who Will Benefit:
Managers and professionals who want to get the most value from their powerful brains. Those who want to get the most worth from their experience and their education. Anyone who wants to give their brain a boost.
CHALLENGES:Not knowing how to Enhance Brain Power leads to:
BENEFITS:Knowing how to Enhance Brain Power leads to:
“I absolutely loved the information…the manual was filled with easy-to-read info. The hands-on examples during the very interactive workshop were so helpful! Eileen kept the workshop rolling along on time and was always willing to answer questions from the participants. She went above and beyond to give us her extra personal time at breaks or after sessions to continue answering our questions. A highly practical workshop indeed! Eileen also offered many additional links and books and helpful websites to the participants.”
– Vicky Faught, CPA, Ontario