Due to the pandemic, we are all coping with frequent interruptions and constantly changing expectations. We are tired, stressed, and easily distracted. Trying to think of too many things at once really affects our concentration. We can overload ourselves in seconds.
Our core brain is hard-wired to switch our attention to noise or movement. It’s one of our many survival mechanisms. In an office, it could be the ping of an e-mail or a flashing light on your phone. Once your attention has been distracted, it takes a real effort to re-focus.
Learn several simple steps to laser-focus your attention and sustain your concentration. You will be able to complete important work more quickly, with less effort.
Program Content:
• Prioritize with Critical Questions
• Protect your executive brain from your ancient brain
• Block and Reduce Internal and External Distractions
• Train Your Ability to Sustain Your Attention
• Improve Your Concentration with Time Limits and Short Breaks
• Deliberately choose Your Response to Difficulties as they Arise
Who Will Benefit:
Those who have more emails, more phone calls, more Zoom meetings, more anxiety, and sometimes family members in their ‘office’; people who want a systematic approach to creating focused attention and sustained concentration.
Before the course, you will receive a checklist that will allow you to monitor how many times you are interrupted (by yourself and others) when you work on a task that requires your maximum focus. After the course, this will give you a good comparison with how much your concentration has improved.
CHALLENGES:Using specific steps to stay focused leads to:
BENEFITS:Using specific steps to stay focussed leads to:
“I found the webinar to be engaging. You presented new and interesting information that I can use to improve the way I work. We went over very practical steps to increase my ability to schedule and complete work that requires focus, as well as the ongoing more routine tasks. I was particularly interested in the rewards and tiny habits. I thought the session had a good flow, with exercises mixed in. You are also good at encouraging all the group members to participate and at including personal anecdotes that illustrate points in the material.”
– Lisa Creighton, CPA, Nobleton, Ontario